Secrets of the Construction Industry - Signed Paperback (AUS Only)


What is one thing you would tell a person?

Imagine that someone not in this world or of this world were to find themselves in this game called life, and ended up in the construction industry. And, they were only able to receive one piece of wisdom, knowledge, or critical advice from those that have embodied wisdom. With that one foundational principle, they’ll build everything on. Get it wrong, means it will all come crashing down; no aspirational and inspiring careers are built off mistruths.

In lieu of wisdom and time-tested principles, the construction industry is rendered with tactics, shortcuts, mediocrity and a lack of distinct intellectual exchange which hasn’t resulted in a majority of exemplary, exceptional and excellent people behind the projects. And for the industry to again be on an upwards trajectory, this needs to change.

In Secrets of the Construction Industry, you will discover foundational principles to always win at the game from 32 exemplary leaders, industry titans and young guns, all in the mission to turn the tide of a once great industry and give you the greatest possibility to win in the pursuit of any ambition.

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